New Jersey Automobile Insurance Risk Exchange

Post Office Box 712, Stockholm, New Jersey 07460

Donald E. Foth, General Manager - Phone & Fax: 973-209-4781 -






Date:               September 15, 2009


To:                   New Jersey Personal Automobile Insurance Companies


From:              Donald E. Foth, General Manager


Re:                  Annual Meeting – New Jersey Automobile Insurance Risk Exchange



In accordance with Article VII, Meeting of Members, of the Articles of Exchange of Plan of Operations of the New Jersey Automobile Insurance Risk Exchange, a regular meeting and the annual meeting of the Exchange will be held on Thursday, November 12, 2009.  Both meetings will be conducted at the National Conference Center, off Exit 8 of the New Jersey Turnpike, in East Windsor, New Jersey.  The regular Board of Directors meeting will begin at 1:00 p.m., immediately followed by the annual meeting.


This will be the twenty-fifth Annual Meeting of the Members of the Exchange and we invite a representative of your company to attend both meetings.  Please respond to the above via mail, telephone, facsimile or e-mail, by October 15, 2009, if your company will have a representative attend the meeting.



